Glenda 8th June 2017

If you're fortunate as you journey through life, every so often you will find your path crossing with someone who will leave indelible footprints in your heart. Barrie is within mine. It was a privilege and an honour to have been accepted into Barrie's life as a supportive friend travelling alongside, if only for five months. I would have loved to have known him sooner. I was able to witness a lovely, gentle man during his most difficult and vulnerable times conduct himself with fortitude, dignity and such good grace. I was very touched by his good manners and will always remember that towards the very end of his life, even when barely conscious and hardly able to speak, if I helped him practically in any way he would make such an enormous effort to make sure to mouth me a thank you. He was an inspiration to me and I will be talking about him for a long time to come and using our shared experiences to help me journey alongside others in the future. I will always be grateful for the gifts that he gave to me. Rest in peace my lovely friend........and go and charm the wings off the angels ;-) Glenda